Learn about our Safety Measures for COVID-19.
John Harrison Contracting, Inc. is committed to prioritizing health safety and minimizing risks upon the ongoing pandemic that is COVID-19 for our clients, employees, and communities.

Participating households benefit by acquiring high-quality equipment, as well as freeing income to spend on other essential items.
John Harrison Contracting, Inc. is a minority owned business dedicated to helping low to middle-income households reduce their energy bills.
With over 35 years of experience, JHC has assisted thousands of families improve their quality of life and save money by replacing old inefficient appliances, such as central and room air conditioners, refrigerators, furnaces and more with new high-efficiency equipment at no-cost.
Property Managers
The energy-efficiency services we offer are designed to help reduce energy costs and enhance the property by replacing the existing appliances with more energy-efficient models. To qualify, the household must meet the income requirements, and for renter-occupied dwellings, the property owner or authorized agent must sign an Owner’s Authorization form giving JHC authorization to perform the work. In addition, deed restricted properties may be eligible to receive program services for common areas at no cost.
For more information contact us at (760) 322-2653